
Do you ever have moments where everything in your life feels pointless?

Me too. That's what's led me to create this blog. But the cool thing is now I can do announcements like this as if anything I say on this webpage has any sort of significance. Anyways the announcement is by this time tomorrow my DEPOP WILL BE UP AND RUNNING! YAY!

So yeah that's the big thing I wanted to say. During my move back to Phoenix, I -rather unfortunately- have to get rid of a lot of clothes, so, not to toot my own horn, but I really do have some good things on there. Shoes, shirts, sweaters, pants, shorts. Anything someone could want that a random person has worn! I actually do have a long-term plan in place which has been in action for the past two months. It started with the blog. For the summer I wanted to make sure I was still getting involved with the stuff I focus on in school; fashion. So, as I said in my first post, the main point is to open the floor for discussion on trends, runways, etc. Granted I haven't really talked about as much fashion stuff as I thought I would, its become more personal than anything else, but I still plan on making more posts centered on those topics. In fact when school starts my plan is to post more frequently when I have specific things to talk about, rather than the weekly posts I've been doing where I sometimes have fashion related topics to focus on. The second part of my plan, that really is less relevant now but will become more significant, is my social media accounts, which is why I try to plug them as often as possible. I want to create a space in which I and others can connect on the topic of "fashion" and share ideas with one another from the things I share. The more I create, the more I share. Instagram for pieces I end up making, tiktok for advice or just fun, fashion-related videos on runways, cool clothes, brands, etc, similar to what I do on the blog but in video format. The final thing tying this whole paragraph together is the Depop. So right now, its really just me getting rid of clothing I think other people would have interest in buying and styling for themselves, but once I have more wiggle room in  terms of the clothing I buy, the more the stuff I'm selling is on trend and more of a source for cool, trendy clothes. Basically cant right now, but I'm going to be reselling clothes I find or older clothes I've bough, as I purchase more, and then later sell those and replace them with new ones, completely cycling through from thrift, to closet, to Depop. The important distinction I need to make, however, is I'm not a cynical evil bitch, so I wont be selling clothes I bought for $5 for three times the price. I mean I am going to be selling it for more than I payed, but that's just to cover the cost of shipping and everything so I can actually make money from this. But don't worry, you still wont catch me selling a Harley Davidson shirt for $50, I'm reasonable. After that who knows what else could happen, I've been looking into pop-up stands in Phoenix, attending thrifting conventions and things, but we don't know what might realistically happen, I'm just relaying the plan so You can make sure to keep an eye out. :)

So watch Instagram (my main not the one with three posts) for announcements on my Depop, and any further establishments I need to announce!

Now back to regularly scheduled blog post content. I'm still sad. And now incredibly stressed. I'm paying for my own college, which isn't rare, but for some reason within my group of friends I'm like the only one who is, which almost alienates me from my own reality. Every cent I make I need to calculate if my future self can afford to spend it, or if I need to put it in my savings so I have some kind of pillow for when I graduate and have to actually create a life for myself. Which is a big part of why I'm doing this. I want to have a name, big or not, for myself by the time I'm done for school. I watched my sister just "have fun" in college and now she's in her 20s struggling to find what she needs because her school didn't really prepare her for what she would need to do. So I'm taking the initiative to make something so that when a job asks me what I've already accomplished, I can say I've been paying attention and participating in the fashion "community" for longer than I would have if my only experience was the work school was having me do. That being said today was the first time I really struggled with the motivation to make a post at all. I haven't really seen anything I feel like talking about on my blog, which sucks cause then I just have to ramble about things I feel are less relevant to why I'm actually doing this. I want to be constantly 'on', talking about things that are important and serve a purpose other than posting on my blog because I feel like I have to. But I think I need to remind myself more than anything that this is still in the very start of what "this" is, so I really do think it will get better, I'm just struggling with what exactly it is that I want to deem significant enough to talk about, and whether or not I really want the only focus to be art related things.

Also I feel so off today so I apologize if this post sucks I kind thought it would cause I know I'm not feeling very well thought right now, but I hope the message is still getting across. <3

I think todays post will be shorter because I don't really have a lot to talk about, and I've typed three very long paragraphs and deleted them because I really didn't care about what I was saying. So that's it. No media today just short and simple. I hope you have an amazing day, Im going to try to, and I will hopefully have fun things to talk about next week. :)

Also check out my Depop.