
Fashion has been one of the most consistent artistic elements of my self, and artistic expression. From as long as I can remember, I have put a good amount of effort into building outfits for myself to express who I am, and most importantly, who i want to be. In the same way, my journey as a fashion design student has reflected these principles, illustrating, designing, draping, patterning, constructing, and styling pieces that tell stories of the wearer, the look, and equally, the designer. My work as a designer is to emphasize the wearable function of clothing, making garments that are unique and expressive.

My blog acts as a digital portfolio for my non-physical work. As someone interested in the realm of fashion journalism, and as a Literature minor, I've devoted every Saturday for the past three years to sitting down and writing lengthy essays about fashion, mental health, culture, and everything else in between. Sometimes I will write about past and present collections that catch my eye, other times I will write about a social issue that I think is relevant to fashion or the lives we all collectively live. At the end of the day, it is very personal to me, and much of it consists of whatever I think is worth the time and reflection. Most recently it went into detail about fast fashion and its less-than-sustainable practices. I've also written about things like religion in fashion or helpful advice for others interested in a similar academic career.